Rotary Club of Yarmouth Donates 6 SafetyNet Tracking Bracelets to Yarmouth Police Department for Community Members
Tracking Bracelets Available to Families at No Cost
The Rotary Club of Yarmouth secured a Rotary District 7950 matching grant to purchase 6 SafetyNet tracking bracelets to distribute to members of the community. These bracelets are designed for people with cognitive disorders, such as autism or Alzheimer’s. The person will wear the bracelet and should s/he wander, a caregiver or family member can call the Yarmouth Police Department (YPD) to locate the person. The YPD has radio signal receivers to begin tracking the individual starting at the person’s last known location. The Rotary Club of Yarmouth has donated 6 of these bracelets to the YPD for distribution to families. The club also purchased extra bands and spare batteries, so there are no ongoing maintenance costs for families. The YPD will register the individual and follow-up quarterly with the family/caregiver to make sure the bracelet is still intact and being worn. The SafetyNet Tracking bracelets are waterproof and lightweight, so are comfortable and should remain on the person at all times.
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Donates 6 SafetyNet Tracking Bracelets to Yarmouth Police Department for Community Members
Tracking Bracelets Available to Families at No Cost
The Rotary Club of Yarmouth secured a Rotary District 7950 matching grant to purchase 6 SafetyNet tracking bracelets to distribute to members of the community. These bracelets are designed for people with cognitive disorders, such as autism or Alzheimer’s. The person will wear the bracelet and should s/he wander, a caregiver or family member can call the Yarmouth Police Department (YPD) to locate the person. The YPD has radio signal receivers to begin tracking the individual starting at the person’s last known location. The Rotary Club of Yarmouth has donated 6 of these bracelets to the YPD for distribution to families. The club also purchased extra bands and spare batteries, so there are no ongoing maintenance costs for families. The YPD will register the individual and follow-up quarterly with the family/caregiver to make sure the bracelet is still intact and being worn. The SafetyNet Tracking bracelets are waterproof and lightweight, so are comfortable and should remain on the person at all times.

Yarmouth Police Chief Frank Frederickson visited the Rotary Club of Yarmouth on May 18, 2018 to thank the club for the donation. “This is a proactive approach to put into the hands of someone susceptible so we can avoid and prevent the heartache for all involved. It will improve the quality of life in this community and this community came together to put it out there,” stated Frederickson. He also noted that the YPD is the first police department on the Cape to have this technology as part of their normal search and rescue operations.
The Rotary Club of Yarmouth’s President-Elect, Lieutenant Kevin Lennon of the Yarmouth Police Department, also commented that the receivers YPD will use are able to pinpoint the person’s location within 1 mile on the ground and 5 to 7 miles from the air, which will reduce the time it takes to find and help the person. “Often, these individuals will wander and then eventually sit down, making it difficult to find them, especially with the heavy canopy in the summer and fall,” stated Lennon.
Family members or caregivers who know of an individual who could benefit from a SafetyNet bracelet should contact the Yarmouth Police Department’s non-emergency number at 508-775-0445.